Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Airport Evangelism

I forgot to tell you guys about the people I met in the airport this last week! I'm a big fan of airport evangelism. I don't always end up talking about GOD directly but sometimes that's the case.
During this last trip home, I met some really interesting people. One was David, a resident of Los Angeles. He said he did believe in some higher power but not in a GOD. During my time in airports I've heard this response many times. David said he hated religion and that being a good person should be enough. I may have handled the situation wrongfully but I was trying to explain what the Bible says on the matter and that there is a lot of evidence to lend it credibility, but I was selected to have my bag searched and he already sounded very defensive before I mentioned the Bible. By the time I came back to the line, David had moved on to catch his flight. I hope something I said worked into his heart later on.
On the trip back, I sat next to a young woman attending UCSB. She told me she was a follower of reformed judaism and we had good conversation about the GOD, evolution, and especially the Passover. Although, I was a little let down to hear that she claimed agnosticism, and that she really wasn't sure there was a God who created everything like how the Bible says. It was one of those conversations where you think of a bunch of stuff that you could have said after you've already parted ways. In this case I thought of a lot more stuff I could have asked her... but I'm sure the Holy Spirit was working through what was said, though. That was probably the most interesting conversation out of them all!
It was a great trip! I even met two old women, Victoria and Linda, sisters who helped me out with the crossword. :)